Videos from Newton for Everyone Events
Accessory Dwellings: New Opportunities for Homeowners and for Newton
March 2025
What will the new accessory dwelling laws mean for our community?
Can accessory dwellings be a way for homeowners to add value and flexibility to their homes?
Could accessory dwellings be a way for you to solve your family’s housing needs?
Get some information on how to plan, design, and build one.
What would it take to build 100% affordable housing in Newton?
January 2025
What are the costs, considerations, and risks involved in developing 100% affordable housing?
Hear about ideas for how Newton could become more welcoming to more affordable homes.
Housing for older adults: Challenges and opportunities
October 2024
Do you know someone who wants to stay in Newton, but whose house isn’t working for them anymore?
Many Newton seniors face the choice between remaining in a home that no longer suits them and moving away from their community of friends and family.
While housing matters to the health and wellbeing of all people, aging can bring specific challenges: costs, accessibility, and access to services.
Can new development help school budgets in cities like Newton?
May 2024
Following the contentious January 2024 teacher strike in Newton, renewed attention has been paid to increasing the city budget without increasing tax rates.
What role can local development, including increasing the housing supply, play in increasing the tax base and school funding?
Explore both the practical implications and research on the potential for new development, particularly an expanded housing supply, to bolster the tax base and, consequently, school funding.